Thursday, September 23, 2010

Music is my passion.

Every time I am down or sad, I just sing a song or even compose one. It is the only thing that helps me calm myself down. With music, I can express my feelings. I also want to  listen to the songs of other artists just like Rod stewart, Celine Dion., and other talented artists.I just can't live without music. I know that many people also feel the same. What about you why do you listen to music?


 Many teenagers nowadays are into Bieber. They say he is a cool,handsome, talented and whatsoever.
But I say he is  NOT. He is just a mirror image of a bland, not-so-talented singer who became popular because he has a rich manager that supports him. His songs don't fit his image and his voice sounds like a 5 year old boy. Grow up bieb!! What does this guy have that other singers don't have? The age? well, basing on his actions and his posts on Twitter, he is like a three year old ignorant kid. He is so childish. What else...His hair?Why do people like it anyway. It looks loke a coconut husk. His songs? All the same. Songs that teenagers thought that it is all about love but the truth is, his songs express a materialistic infatuation. Can he even deferentiate infatuation from love? I think he can't because he is so dumb to think about it. Well, all I can say is that this not-so-talented bieber kid, has a lot to prove.