Thursday, September 23, 2010


 Many teenagers nowadays are into Bieber. They say he is a cool,handsome, talented and whatsoever.
But I say he is  NOT. He is just a mirror image of a bland, not-so-talented singer who became popular because he has a rich manager that supports him. His songs don't fit his image and his voice sounds like a 5 year old boy. Grow up bieb!! What does this guy have that other singers don't have? The age? well, basing on his actions and his posts on Twitter, he is like a three year old ignorant kid. He is so childish. What else...His hair?Why do people like it anyway. It looks loke a coconut husk. His songs? All the same. Songs that teenagers thought that it is all about love but the truth is, his songs express a materialistic infatuation. Can he even deferentiate infatuation from love? I think he can't because he is so dumb to think about it. Well, all I can say is that this not-so-talented bieber kid, has a lot to prove. 


  1. Hhaha!... you're so true... super right.. hahhaha

  2. haha, i agree! i wonder why many girls like this kid!he's kinda annoying. LOL :DD

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    1. What is true?

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  6. don't be like that naman!he's not always like that!whahaha~
    let's be fair to him naman!he's human too right?whahaha~KALOKA >.<

  7. wow! i really agree...well thanks to kpop...if the kpop idols such as b2st and shinee...i guess i'd be idolizing him right now.....urghhh!!!

    please visit my site too-->

  8. well! I'm not really a Bieber fan.. i just dont like him too.. too young for me. hahahaha.. kalma lang couz.. ok lang yan.. dont forget the song for me.. :)

  9. I share your sentiment Louise. Beiber should die. hahaha :D Just joking.

    I have a friend who "edited" Beiber's voice to make it sound more developed. After editing, he sounded like Usher! XD If you like Usher, then wait for Beiber. :) Haha

    Let's see! :)

  10. it's not bad having an opinion. so u dont like him. obviously...

    well for me...let's just say im not a fan.. i don't care..

    but he's still a human being and we know that no one is perfect in this world.
    so by this. i think we should learn how to accept the person behind his/her imperfections..(in general)

    [nothing too serious]


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